Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Kid Pictures

It turns out that having two kids is a lot of work. I never imagined that being a stay at home mom would keep me this busy 24 hours a day. The house is trashed, laundry is piling up, and don't get me started on running errands with two...but I love it, of course. Here are some new pictures of my little sweeties:

Bedhead and her first bug bite.

This kid is huuuuuge. He was already 12.6 pounds (99th percentile) at his 1 month well baby visit. His doctor reassured me that exclusively breastfed babies can't get "fat", so I don't need to worry about childhood obesity yet :).

Poor kid has a hard time sleeping at night. Well, he sleeps well between feedings, but we're having a couple little issues. His longest stretch between meals is only 4 hours. He typically eats around 10 pm, 2 am, 5 am, and then mysteriously wakes again at 6 am., still tired and not hungry but unable to fall asleep for the next couple hours. I think it's the sun. I'll be putting thick blankets over his curtains tonight!

Claire helps Liam with his "tummy time". She always makes MommyMom (her stuffed bunny) lie on her tummy next to Liam. She loves being a big sis!


  1. Liam is super cute. He is a big boy. It looks like Claire is adjusting well. Keep the the pics coming I love newborns they are so sweet yet Claire is a cutey too.

  2. too cute! and don't worry, when you have three it will make it seem like taking two kids to the store is so easy, haha :)
