This garden is out of control!
View from one end of the garden.
Note to self: Buy taller tomato stakes for next year.
View from the other end.
All that green stuff? Veggie plants!
I'm learning a lot this year. I had no idea what a broccoli plant would look like.
My beautiful basil. I have four gorgeous rows of this stuff!
Note to self #2: I don't need two zucchini plants. The worst part is that my neighbors on both sides are also growing zucchini so I can't pawn it off very easily this year. Any recipe ideas?
Purple beans. They will turn green when cooked. Yummy!
All the tomato plants (9) are loaded with green tomatoes. I noticed one lone red one the other day...pretty soon we'll have more tomatoes than I know what to do with!
Want any radishes? Seriously. Please take them. I had never tasted a radish before growing them and turns out they're pretty nasty :). I have four long rows of these guys popping out of the ground.
This is what a baby asparagus plant looks like. I had no idea what to expect. There are five growing happily...and one whose fragile leaves were all plucked off by a little toddler I know.
Rhubarb. I learned that if it grows a weird flower, you're supposed to cut that off ASAP.
Claire loves to visit the all-you-can-eat raspberry buffet every night after dinner.
Believe it or not, the yellow variety are sweeter than the red ones! I think I'll make some raspberry ice cream with our next harvest.
How is your garden doing?